Home Decor: 4 Creative Ways to Make Your Personality Shine


The 90’s and early 2000’s really paved the way for individuality, and nowadays, it’s almost commonplace to show your taste and personality in every facet of life.

Fashion, food, music, the arts; every aspect allows you to express yourself in the best possible way.

Home decor is no different.

In fact, it’s one of the most refreshing and exciting ways you can let loose and show your passions, your taste and your identity. Home living in Singapore is a vibrant scene full of creative ideas that give home buyers hundreds of options on how to spruce up their homes.

Every piece of knick-knack, every color, every hue represents a part of who you are.

A wall decor, a fluffy knit blanket or a piece of heirloom handed down from generations, whatever that may be, tells a story — your story.

Dozens of stores sell artsy home decor accessories in Singapore. If you don’t plan to buy just yet, then simply check out their racks online or in their actual locations to start mentally planning out.

The options are limitless. But here, we attempt to narrow it down to four clever and creative ways you can show your personality in your home:

Collector’s Dream

One of the coolest ways to express yourself is through your home decor collection.

Whether these are rare items like antique tea sets or novelty items like action figures, showcasing them in a glass cabinet or hanging wooden shelves would really do the trick.

What you collect will most likely show how old you are. Older collectors may enjoy the occasional stamp collection or trading cards. Millennials, on the other hand, might have boxes of board games hanging on top of their beds.

And then of course there are those types of collections such as books and movies that are greatly enjoyed by any age. Coin collections never go out of style and bring an air of nostalgia from tales of long ago.

In fact, vintage items have been making a strong comeback in the architectural and design scene, so maybe it’s time to rummage your grandma’s or aunt’s house for some treasured finds.

What Drives You

Even items like workout gears have a place in your humble home

Everything in our home can be purposeful if we allow it to be. Let your decors be inspirational by displaying things that truly inspire you. Strategically place these items in areas that you will need motivation for.

Why not put up in your home study that old medal of the time you won your first track meet to give you an extra boost that you can achieve anything you set your heart into?

Or place your guitar and stand in the corner beside the sofa to invite you to play for your family whenever they’re visiting.

How about framing the recipe for the first ever cake you baked before having your own pastry shop and put that in your home kitchen? Feeling like you need to get back in to shape?

Have your dumbbells neatly stashed in your TV rack to remind you to hit the gym or do a home workout.

Your Vibe

Color plays a very big role in setting the tone and atmosphere of a space. And the color you use to paint your room should reflect your perpetual mood and vibe.

Pastel hues suggest calmness and tranquility, while bolder shades express energy and passion. It may seem too literal to base the color of your room on your personality, but color psychology is an important consideration.

What stimulates you visually will help determine your thoughts, behavior and actions. Our surroundings greatly influence our emotions and state of mind.

A soothing vibe is complementary to an author or lyricist. Flashy colors go well with fashion designers, musicians, gym buffs, or artists.

You can also mix and match color pallets to suit your array of personal preferences.

The Talented You!

What better way to show what you’re good at than using your own home or condo as your very own exhibit. It gives an added personal touch that’s missing in most houses.

Display your old cameras in a pretty shelf along with framed photos that you took from your most memorable photo shoots. Add zest to your living room by dressing up your pillows or beanbags with cases that you stitched together.

Into woodwork? Great!

Dive into constructing your own cupboards, trays, dish racks or what have you.

Trending hobbies for Singaporeans like aquascaping and crocheting can do wonders for making your home more fun and personalized.

Want to show off your sporty side? Hanging the neatly framed jersey of your favorite player or team can also be a great ice breaker when friends visit.

All these colorful additions and personal touches has converted your house into a lovely home. Now that you’ve left your fingerprint in every inch of your house, it’s time to have a friend or family member over. And they’ll never think twice about who lives there.

Creatively decorating your home will definitely amp up its real estate value, in case you would consider selling it in the future or upgrading to a bigger unit or a more prime location. Either way, home decor is an automatic picker-upper.

But while the aesthetics of a home increase the value of a property, it is still not the ultimate consideration in making your real estate decision. While most property gurus and afficionados would point towards how “good-looking” a property is, what lies beneath the surface is the most important area of consideration.

By Singapore Real Estate Insider

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