Confused with Property Selections? Here’s Your Checklist!

Confused with Property Selections? Here’s your Checklist!

As a young couple in your 30s, you’re eager to buy your first house together but aren’t sure where to begin. Although the real estate market can be intimidating, you’re not alone in this dilemma.

Now, you’re stepping foot in uncharted territory as a first-time buyer. It can be difficult to put that knowledge into practice in the real world, even with your parents’ help and internet research. That’s the reason why a lot of customers come to us for detailed instructions on how to accomplish their respective goals. 

We conducted thorough financial analyses to compare the advantages and disadvantages of buying jointly and under one name. We also talked about the immediate purchase of one or two properties, taking into account four important factors:

  • Loan Assessment
  • Down Payment Amount
  • Monthly Mortgage
  • Safety Net or Backup Funds

Gaining knowledge of the present state of the market and its projected developments for the next six to twelve months is also essential. This comprises:

  • Overall Market Movements
  • Pricing across Different Regions
  • Comparisons between Property types and Trends
  • Current Macro Factors Impacting the Singapore Market

Notably, it was a fulfilling experience to assist the couple with their first real estate purchase. We found a unit that satisfied their requirements by fully analyzing our options and comprehending their needs.

By Singapore Real Estate Insider

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