Something i have to admit (Part 1 of 3)

I have to admit, my decision in a property did not turn out as how I wanted.
If only…..

What if there is a chance for you to turn back the clock and change 1 decision you have made in your property journey, what would it be?

I can still remember it was 2011.

Would you skip a chance to own a property at $750psf back in 2011? What will be going thru your mind?

Let me share with you potentially is the Biggest Blunder because I did not have enough data and information to help me make an informed decision. And most importantly, my knowledge about property was still limited.

This is what happen….

As per most Singaporean, when the time comes for us to make plans to purchase a property, we only react as it is and seldom we will plan ahead right?

Same for me. It just make sense to buy a property during that time.

And what did i do?
During than, there is a launch of a new EC in Tampines (which is not my ideal location) but because of all the hype around it, I was drawn to it and been near my alumni poly (Temasek Poly), i was very familiar with the location. And a slight advantage we have is we actually know about the information way before anyone else. So that helps us to plan ahead.

And as a typical buyer, I went to check out the showroom and seek the prices of the desired size i can live in.’$7xxk, WOW, I ‘think’ i can afford it, right..’ is the 1st thought in my mind.



Next we do our affordability assessment and everything checks out well. I was happy that we potentially can be proud owner of a Condo in years to come.

Than the wait comes for the balloting day which is in a week and the cheque was placed for the unit.

Heading home thinking i have done my part in assessing myself for the purchase.
I was excited for the balloting exercise.

Nothing happen during the week leading to the balloting day.

Until the night before the balloting exercise, something trigger me to make a decision that I regretted till today.

Lets continue, shall we…

Edmund Tan

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