Decisions You Need To Make Before Buying A BTO Flat

Getting a BTO flat is a significant decision. Yet, a successful BTO application is just step one and there are even more decisions that require your careful consideration in the long run. Here are some decisions you need to make before buying a BTO flat.Since August 2018, you are allowed to retain up to $20,000 in your CPF Ordinary Account (OA). Before, it is a requirement to fully utilize your CPF OA funds to pay for the flat before taking up a HDB loan. Clearing your CPF OA can help to reduce the housing loan amount that you take up.

HDB BTO Timeline: How Long Does It Take To Be Completed?

Singapore is surely everyone’s dream land. Whether you are a couple looking for your first house or is someone planning to stay here for good, now is the time for you to understand how owning a home here works. Are you curious as to how long will it take to have your dream flat come true? The Housing Development Board (HDB) is responsible for public housing in Singapore. BTO stands for Build to Order and is a flat allocation system under HDB. Interested buyers must apply for a flat from their preferred locations and wait for it until fully constructed.
