From Boom to Bust: Lessons from the Last Property Price Peak

Buy, buy, buy! The property market in Singapore is only going to get better. Relax.Does this sound familiar? You should exercise caution if you hear this a lot. Do you recall 2013? Many people back then fell for the hype and made mistakes.Do you want to stay away from that same mistake now?Though history may not… Continue reading From Boom to Bust: Lessons from the Last Property Price Peak

Sweet spot in Singapore

We had already see many big organizations like Dyson, Alibaba setting their base here since 2018 and Singapore remain 1 of the top choice for investment inflow too together with Indonesia and Vietnam.

What is a safe asset to you?

Safe assets are assets, which do not carry a high risk of loss, across all types of market cycles. Some of the most common types of safe assets historically include real estate property, cash, Treasury bills, money market funds.
