Top Reasons to Own Multiple Properties in Singapore

The ultimate dream has always been to own multiple properties (private assets) for many Singaporeans. But here is the burning question many busy professionals and homeowners are asking right now: is it still safe to own multiple private properties in Singapore? And why do many people chase this dream in their lifetimes? Should You Take… Continue reading Top Reasons to Own Multiple Properties in Singapore

New Property Cooling Measures Losers: Why It Matters to You

I recently posted on the previous article about the winners in Singapore’s new property cooling measures as per MAS December 2021. With its publishing came an onslaught of questions about who the losers are and how to avoid them. You might think it’s funny to play Abba’s “The Winner Takes it All” on Spotify to… Continue reading New Property Cooling Measures Losers: Why It Matters to You

New Property Cooling Measures – What’s in it for you?

Have you felt uneasy since the Singapore government broke the news about the latest property cooling measures last December 15, 2021? Like most of my clients, you may be asking, “what’s going to happen to my properties, and should I be worried?” Or perhaps you are in the process of buying a property, and suddenly… Continue reading New Property Cooling Measures – What’s in it for you?

5 REASONS WHY SPRs SHOULD BE BUYING PROPERTY NOW (Despite the cooling measures)

As a Singapore PR (Permanent Residence) status holder, buying property must have crossed your mind. It’s a great way to maximize your PR status and a wise, safe move to invest your money. Here, we’ll explain why it’s critical to seize the chance to acquire property today, especially with the current cooling measures in place.… Continue reading 5 REASONS WHY SPRs SHOULD BE BUYING PROPERTY NOW (Despite the cooling measures)


Which buyer profiles will emerge as the winners and losers? How are we as busy professionals & homeowners going to use the new cooling measures to our advantage & continue to make 6-figure profits in property safely?  We see these new cooling measures as a way for the government to keep property prices in check… Continue reading NEW PROPERTY COOLING MEASURES’ WINNERS AND LOSERS
