decision sent to author nature communications

. However, we did not find a combination of predictors that led to a model with a good fit to the data. In WeWork, the Delaware Court of Chancery found that the use of Sprint email accounts by Sprint employees doing WeWork-related work for SoftBank caused the communications between SoftBank and those individuals to lose the privilege that might otherwise have attached to them. Regarding institutional bias, a report of a controlled experiment found that SBPR reviewers are more likely than DBPR reviewers to accept manuscripts from famous authors and high-ranked institutions [15], while another report found that authors at top-ranked universities are unaffected by different reviewing methods [16]. The results of a Pearsons chi-square test of independence are as follows: 2=378.17, degrees of freedom=2, p value <0.001; Cramers V=0.054 and show that authors submitting to more prestigious journals tend to have a slight preference for DBPR compared to SBPR. Concerning the institutions, we defined four categories according to their THE ranks and used these as a proxy for prestige: category 1 includes institutions with THE rank between 1 and 10 (corresponding to 7167 manuscripts, 6% of all manuscripts), category 2 is for THE ranks between 11 and 100 (25,345 manuscripts, 20% of all manuscripts), category 3 for THE ranks above 100 (38,772 manuscripts, 30% of all manuscripts), and category 4 for non-ranked institutions (57,170 manuscripts, or 45% of all manuscripts). As a matter of fact, the models accuracy (as tested on a random sample of 20% of the data chosen as test set) is 0.88, and the model always predicts author choices for SB, which is the majority class. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. We divided the journals in three tiers: (i) the flagship interdisciplinary journal (Nature), (ii) the discipline-specific sister journals (Nature Astronomy, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Chemistry, Nature Climate Change, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Energy, Nature Genetics, Nature Geoscience, Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Immunology, Nature Materials, Nature Medicine, Nature Methods, Nature Microbiology, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, Nature Plants, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology), and (iii) the open-access interdisciplinary title (Nature Communications). 2006;6:12747. Over the past years, several studies have analysed the efficacy of DBPR in eradicating implicit bias in specific scientific disciplines. BMC Med. decision sent to author nature communications - tCubed Which proportions of papers are sent out to review under SBPR and DBPR? Nature CommunicationsTips - 0000002247 00000 n Terms and Conditions, Results on the uptake are shown in Table5. Are you sure you do not want to provide feedback? Double anonymity and the peer review process. Since the models showed a bad fit to the data according to accepted diagnostics criteria, further interpretation of the models is not warranted. Finally, we investigated the outcome of post-review decisions as a function of peer review model and characteristics of the corresponding author. . PubMedGoogle Scholar. If the article is published, the preprint is updated with a link to the version of record. We found that manuscripts submitted under DBPR are less likely to be sent to review and accepted than those submitted under SBPR. Table6 shows the counts and proportions of manuscripts that were sent out for review or rejected by the editors as a function of peer review model. journals - All Reviewers Assigned : Nature Communications revised Corresponding author defined. Let us suggest an alternative journal within our esteemed publishing portfolio for resubmitting your manuscript (and any reviewer comments) for fast, effortless publication. Figure1 shows a Cohen-Friendly association plot indicating deviations from independence of rows (countries) and columns (peer review model) in Table5. This might indicate that authors are more likely to choose DBPR when the stakes are higher in an attempt to increase their success chances by removing any implicit bias from the referees. We aimed at modelling OTR decisions based on the following variables (and all their subsets): review type (SB/DB), corresponding authors gender, the group of their institution (1, 2, 3, or 4), the category of their country (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, the UK, the USA, and Others), and the journal tier (Nature, Nature sister journals, and Nature Communications). This may be due to the higher quality of the papers from more prestigious institutions or to an editor bias towards institutional prestige, or both. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. For example, a report showed that 34% of 880 manuscripts submitted to two radiology journals contained information that would either potentially or definitely reveal the identities of the authors or their institution [2]. Hi, it depends from the Journal but normally you can wait more days. Nature Communications was another publishing master stroke for Nature that also took advantage of a new market opportunity. 0000004476 00000 n Scand J Econ. Once your articleis accepted for publication, you can track its status with the track your accepted article tool. If you still have questions about what In Review can do for you or how it works, read our FAQ. Nature does not consider Communications Arising on papers published in other journals. 0000003764 00000 n Why did this happen? It is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the five previous years. Reviews for "Nature Communications" - Page 1 - SciRev What happens after my manuscript is accepted? v)ic#L7p[ q^$;lmP)! Nature-branded journals publishing primary research introduced DBPR as an optional service in March 2015 in response to authors requests [17]. This might be the result of editor bias towards the review model, of the fact that female authors select their best papers to be DBPR to increase their chances of being accepted, or both. It was on December 21, 1968, that Apollo 8 launched from Cape Kennedy, in Florida, sending US astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell Jr and William Anders on the world's . On this page you will find a suite of citation-based metrics for Nature Communications which provides an overview of this journal. Springer Nature. making DBPR compulsory to accelerate data collection and remove potential bias against the review model. Table7 shows the results; for the sake of completeness, Table7 includes the number and percentages of rejected vs. out-to-review manuscripts for which the gender of the corresponding author was NA. The corresponding author takes responsibility for the manuscript during the submission, peer review and production process. Press J to jump to the feed. The results were significant for all pairs: group 1 vs. group 2 (2=15.961, df=1, p value <0.001); group 2 vs. group 3 (2=7.1264, df=1, p value=0.0227); and group 1 vs. group 3 (2=37.304, df=1, p value <0.001). Help us improve this article with your feedback. Search. n - In order to see whether author uptake could be accurately predicted based on author and journal characteristics, we attempted to fit logistic regression models to the data. Research Integrity and Peer Review we could have chosen a different distribution of institutions among the four categories, and will likely have an impact on the uptake of DBPR across the institutional prestige spectrum. Our commitment to early sharing and transparency in peer review inspires us to think about how to help our authors in new ways. See How does the Article Transfer Service work for authors? The Editors have begun a decision in the system. Regarding gender bias, a study showed that blinding interviewees in orchestra interviews led to more females being hired [8]., DOI: There is a small but significant association between institution group and acceptance (Pearsons chi-square test results: 2=49.651, df=3, p value <0.001, Cramers V=0.049). Editors need to identify, invite and get (often two or more) reviewers to agree to review. decisions for these programmes are taken by panels of independent experts and Nature Research editors play no role in decision making . The Nature Portfolio Bioengineering Community is a community blog for readers and authors of Nature Research journals, including Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Biotechnology, Nature . We have analysed a large dataset of submissions to 25 Nature journals over a period of 2years by review model and in dependence of characteristics of the corresponding author. The Editor has made a decision and requested you revise the submission. Nature. Nature 's editors are. The proportion of authors that choose double-blind review is higher when they submit to more prestigious journals, they are affiliated with less prestigious institutions, or they are from specific countries; the double-blind option is also linked to less successful editorial outcomes. . In our case, this analysis was hampered by the lack of an independent measure of quality, by potential confounders such as potential editor bias towards the review model or author characteristics, and by the lack of controlled experiments in which the same paper is reviewed under both SBPR and DBPR, or in which DBPR is compulsory, thus eliminating the effect of bias towards the review model. Issue a separate correction notice electronically linked back to the corrected version. As a consequence, we are unable to distinguish bias towards author characteristics or the review model from any quality effect, and thus, we cannot draw definitive conclusions on the efficacy of DBPR in addressing bias. In spite of the presence of explicit instructions to authors, this type of review model has sometimes been shown to fail to hide authors identity. As needed, the journal editors may also ask the committee to provide opinions on the policies and procedures of the journals. The results on author uptake show that DBPR is chosen more frequently by authors that submit to higher impact journals within the portfolio, by authors from certain countries, and by authors from less prestigious institutions. Share your preprint and track your manuscript's review progress with our In Review service. 9.3 weeks. After review, Nature Communications rejected it because of reason X. In the post-review analysis, we found that DBPR papers that are sent to review have an acceptance rate that is significantly lower than that of SBPR papers. Any conclusive statement about the efficacy of DBPR would have to wait until such control can be implemented or more data collected. In the ten countries with the highest number of submissions, we found a large significant association between country and review type (p value <0.001, df=10, Cramers V=0.189). The gender (male, female, or NA) of the corresponding authors was determined from their first name using a third-party service (Gender API). This is because authors cannot modify their choice of review model at the transfer stage, and thus transfers cannot contribute to the uptake analysis. So, in October 2018, we added a new . (But be sure all your coauthors agree to opt-in, too.) Share your preprint and track your manuscript's review progress with our In Review service. Thank you for your feedback, it will help us serve you better. Google Scholar. To obtain This can be due to quality or referee bias. captcha. Click on the journal name to where you submitted your manuscript. 0000065294 00000 n All coauthors must agree to post a preprint and participate inIn Review. Which proportions of papers are accepted for publication under SBPR and DBPR? botln botkyrka kommun. In order to reduce the variability in the institutional affiliations, we normalised the institution names and countries via a Python script that queried the API of the Global Resource Identified Database (GRID [19]). We found that DBPR papers that are sent to review have an acceptance rate that is significantly lower than that of SBPR papers. Visit our main website for more information. authors opting for DBPR should not post on preprint archives). Sorry we couldn't be helpful. Hathaway High School Staff, For Coupons, Giveaways, and Free Games to play with your family, distance between underground pull boxes fiber optic cable, richest instagram influencers non celebrity, big spring correctional center inmate search, rachael newsham and dan cohen relationship, giorno giovanna you will never reach the truth japanese, 34 eye opening photos of the great depression, Real Cuban Link Chain For Sale Near Mumbai, Maharashtra. Thus, we cannot draw conclusions on any editor bias. You can useIn Reviewto access up-to-date information on where your article is in the peer review process. sean penn parkinson's disease 2021. korttidsminne test siffror; lng eller kort pipa hagel. This is public, and permanent. Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information on the Manuscript Submission process should be sent to the Natural Product Communications editorial office as follows: [email protected], 614-786-1970. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The multivariate regression analyses we performed led to uninformative models that did not fit the data well when the response was author uptake, out-to-review decision, or acceptance decision, and the predictors were review type, author gender, author institution, author country, and journal tier. (Nature Portfolio Data), Nature Communications (Nat Commun) . The Editor may be reading and assessing the submission, assigning additional editors according to the journal's polices, or taking some other action outside of the system. Did you find it helpful? Search. 0000004437 00000 n Roberts SG, Verhoef T. Double-blind reviewing at EvoLang 11 reveals gender bias. Research Square notifies authors of preprint posting, and sends a link to the author dashboard. Accelerated Communications, JBC Reviews, Meeting Reports, Letters to the Editor, and Corrections, as well as article types that publish . 0000001245 00000 n The binned plot of the models residuals against the expected values also shows a poor fit. Note that once completed reviews for your submitted article have been received and are under evaluation by the handling Editor the status may later return to 'Under Review' if additional reviews are sought. At Nature Biomedical Engineering, we collect some numbers into a 'journal dashboard': These numbers are running statistics over 6-month intervals (to smooth out fluctuations in the numbers*). Plast Reconstr Surg. Example: Blood Cancer Journal: Go to the 'Publish with us' drop down menu: Click on 'Submit manuscript' in order to be directed to that journal's manuscript tracking system: For the status of your submission to Scientific Reports,go to the Scientific Reports contact webpage for email addresses to determine which one best fits your requirements. r/biology I buried a dead rat (killed by delayed rat poison or a neighbor's cat) in an iron barrel with soil on Sep 8. As there are many steps involved in the editorial process, this may in some cases take longer than you had anticipated. Papers. The submission process has completed with either an Accept or Reject decision. Trends Ecol Evol. sciencenature - Online First - Article available online 6. our vision is for all Springer Nature authors and reviewers to have an ORCID iD, and we are confident we will get there, slowly but surely. For other authors characteristics, such as institutional prestige, a quality factor is more likely than for gender: it is not unthinkable to assume that on average manuscripts from more prestigious institutions, which tend to have more resources, are of a higher quality than those from institutions with lower prestige and fewer means. The EiC may have seen merits in your paper after all (or a fit, if that was the issue). Help Us Celebrate Legal Talent. Incidence and nature of unblinding by authors: our experience at two radiology journals with double-blinded peer review policies. Communications (max. Please log in to your personal My Springer Nature profile and click on "Your submissions" to start tracking your articles. Nature Communications: n/a: n/a: 6.0 days: n/a: n/a: n/a: Rejected (im.) The Publications Ethics Committee is composed of a chair and two members appointed by the RSNA Board. Authors of accepted papers will receive proofs of their article about 15 business days after the decision is sent. We aimed at modelling acceptance based on the following variables (and all their subsets): review type (SB/DB), corresponding authors gender, the group of their institution (1, 2, 3, or 4), the category of their country (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, the UK, the USA, and Others), and the journal tier (Nature, Nature sister journals, and Nature Communications). So, in October 2018, we added a new option for you when you submit to select Springer Nature journals. Sci World J. Brown RJC. There is not yet sufficient data to conclude which form of peer reviewtransparent or double-blindis the most conducive to rigorous and unbiased science reporting. . Title page: A separate title page is necessary and should bear a) the title of the article, b) name of the authors, c) the institutions of origin, d) a short title and for Short Communications also the corresponding author's name, address, and e-mail.Please note that it should be a maximum of 5 authors for Short Communications. Finally, we associated each author with a gender label (male/female) by using the Gender API service [21]. Journal-integrated preprint sharing fromSpringer Nature and Research Square, Share your preprint and trackyour manuscripts review progress with ourIn Review service. Controlled experiments as described above were not possible due to peer review policies at the Nature journals and the fact that we could only analyse historical data. Correspondence to (Courtesy of Clarivate Analytics), The Eigenfactor Score calculation is based on the number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years have been cited in the JCR year, but it also considers which journals have contributed these citations so that highly cited journals will influence the network more than lesser cited journals. 7u?p#T3;JUQJBw|u 2v{}ru76SRA? Table14 shows acceptance rate by institution group, regardless of review type. Download MP3 / 387 KB. If an author believes the decision regarding their manuscript was affected by a publication ethics breach, . However, we recommend you check the Junk/ Spam folder in your mailbox to see if the journal's decision letter is present. Here to foster information exchange with the library community. We analysed the dataset of 128,454 records with a non-empty review type to answer the following questions: What are the demographics of authors that choose double-blind peer review? For the sake of completeness, Table8 includes the number and percentages of rejected vs. out-to-review manuscripts for which the gender of the corresponding author was male, female, or NA. On the other hand, an analysis of the Evolution of Language (EvoLang 11) conference papers found that female authors received higher rankings under DBPR [13]. We investigated the question of whether, out of the papers that go to review, manuscripts by female corresponding authors are more likely to be accepted than those with male corresponding authors under DBPR and SBPR. However, when they communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision, it was decided to reconsider your manuscript. When can I expect a decision from the Editor? The submission remains at this status until you select "Build PDF for Approval". More specifically, the proportion of authors choosing DBPR is lower for higher ranking institution groups; in the uptake analysis by country, China and the USA stand out for their strong preference for DBPR and SBPR, respectively. Connect with us on LinkedIn and stay up to date with news and development. In order to identify the pair(s) giving rise to this difference, we performed a test of equal proportion for each pair and accounted for multiple testing with Bonferroni correction. 0000009876 00000 n Submission to first post-review decision: for manuscripts that are sent to external reviewers, the median time (in days) taken from when a submission is received to when an editorial decision post-review is sent to the authors. 2021: Nature Communications: 14.3 weeks: 42.6 weeks: n/a: 3: 4 (very good . Decision sent to author NZip for reviewers 85,307,200 Downloads (in 2021) Sodexo Disney Springs, 0000082326 00000 n We should note that the significance of the results on outcome is limited by the size of the dataset for accepted papers, due to the high selectivity of these journals and to the low uptake of DBPR. Authors must sign into CTS with the email address to which the link was sent. All communication from submission to publication will be with the corresponding author. I am confused since the current status was already passed before the editors sent the manuscript out for review. In future works, we will consider studying the post-decision outcome also in relation to the gender of reviewers and defining a quality metric for manuscripts in order to isolate the effect of bias. 0000002625 00000 n Using Pearsons chi-square test of independence, we found a significant and large association between country category and review type (2=3784.5, df=10, p value <0.001; Cramers V=0.189). First, we calculated the acceptance rate by gender, regardless of review type (Table12). Am J Roentgenol. So, in October 2018, we added a new . Vintage Cardboard Christmas Decorations, We understand that you have not received any journal email. hoi4 what to do when capitulate. This reply will be sent to the author of the Correspondence before publication. 0000039536 00000 n The decision post-review of whether to accept a paper or not is taken by the editor but is based on the feedback received from the referees, so we assume that the decision at this stage would reflect a potential referee bias. 25th Apr, 2017. In this scheme, authors are given the option to publish the peer review history of the paper alongside their published research. When action from your side is required, this will also be announced by email. Although each journal published by Cell Press is editorially independent, we have been using Editorial Manager, a manuscript tracking system that allows authors to transfer manuscripts along with any review comments they may have between Molecular Plant and Plant Communications.Should you have any questions about the .

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