paint schemes for f4u corsair

This diagram was adopted and sexed up with a colour version in Dana Bells book, but this is still the authoritative document: Definitely an interesting and thorough look at -2 colors. Armed with a plan I covered the 1/32 Corsair in primer, and used black-basing techniques to fill in the three main colors and felt like I had accomplished something decent. Thanks for the infos on this! PuFFie, June 26, 2014 in Paint Schemes and Camouflage. Painting Tamiya's 1/32 F4U-1 Corsair - Doogs Models No one makes it but Testors Model Master RLM23 is close. I then purchased a Brassin cowling to give some detail to the engine cowlingsparticularly the engine cooling flaps. It's not that easy. That said, a lot of this scheme and whats going on is conjecture based on a few shitty photos. But people like Bob are perishing fast. The Corsair went thru a protracted evolution of the tailwheel assembly in an effort to improve visibility over the nose, and reduce the tendency to swing on landing due to Gyroscopic Precession. Step one for me was cleaning up the parts and deciding how I was going to approach the building stage of the kit. My guess is they repainted the F4U-5 to mimic the old paint scheme of a VMF-312 F4U-4. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. What I would say is you have is you have a very nice wife. The vinyl masks for the roundels were placed first. AS8 for the upper side (US Navy Blue) and AS19 (Intermediate Blue) for the sides but there are nowhere any FS numbers to be found for these paints AND comparing some pics (I know its on a monitor so it can be very unclear) intermediate or navy blue doesn't look like their counterparts in other brands. Lets get into it! The progression here for slides 1-6: Sprayed a thinner/deck tan mix to start weathering gas caps, stains off access doors, etc. Tamiya did a great job on the P&W engine. I settled on these main parts as shown. The majority of both kits were built straight out of the box, with the exception of adding Quinta Studios interior 3D decals. Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1A Corsair flown by Major "Pappy" Boyington VMF-214 Blacksheep, on January 3rd, 1944. . One of the useful aspects of the Vought F4U Corsair's long career is that it can be used to illustrate three decades of U.S. Navy color schemes and markings. There is definitely a change in colour between the flanks of the fuselage and the spine of the fuselage and people have differing opinions what may cause this. It just sucks you in to some imaginary place where youre the pilot and the clouds await your arrival (dreamerI know). The first step in the painting process is priming. Careful of the overspray, and be sure to let the air out of the paint before you use it. Finally, I went back and filled in the rest of the areas with the sea blue. 866.580.8727 +1 602.748.4565. Beautiful scale detail. (LogOut/ My personal opinion is that the fuselage sides were repainted in some shade of Sea Blue, and definitely not black as some researchers and authors have proposed. 7) Finally, although its a Birdcage Corsair, the plane has been fitted with the taller tailwheel post, no doubt to improve visibility over the nose. Unknown to Boyington, some of his pilots jumped into the Corsair for their own hero shots. For many years, the photos remained hidden, but eventually they revealed the truth. So when I saw that Maketars masking kit included the lines, I leapt at the chance to paint them. Bob wrote an excellent article for THE HOOK a few years back, which stimulated my interest in night fighters in general. Big plus. I had to go back several times to get rid of a little over spray between the colors. Im never going to do that again. I SHOULD have used the term de-gas I suppose. F4U-1 Corsair Early Model kit - After this it was time to start slinging colors! Hes one of the few surviving Birdcage Corsair pilots. Almost all were finished in the overall glossy Sea Blue scheme. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Oh, and PM me your wifes number, I think mine needs to chat with her. As explained by Bruce Gamble in his book Swashbucklers and Black Sheep: A Pictorial History of Marine Fighting Squadron 214 in World War II, one popular item was a poster that showed Boyington standing beside a Corsair decorated with the same graphics used in 1943: the number 86, victory flags below the cockpit (now increased to twenty-eight), and Lulubelle, the nickname of his girlfriend, on the fuselage. As such, I decided to go with white primer and no pre-shading/marbling, only utilizing post shading to add some interest., (Editors Note: The following sequence of photographs depict what will be #18 when the paint scheme is complete. Corsair Markings and Nose Art of VMF-512 - As per. Corsair Paint Schemes - RCU Forums The same paints are needed for VMF-111 (F4U-1A) but shouldn't there be any differences in tonal variations cause of early and late versions of these colors? Under the command of Chick Harmer, VF (N)-101 was present for the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, and its complement was able to complete its combat tour in the F4U-2, achieving 5 kills, and without losing a single pilot. In the last two shots showing off most of the model youll see me starting in on weatheringprimarily 25-50 part thinner, one part XF55 (Deck Tan). They still hold up in terms of quality and ease of build when compared to newer tooled kits. Later aircraft only carried four insignias on the sides, upper port, and lower starboard wings. Theres really not much to say here in terms of technique, trials, or tribulations. If youve ever seen a picture of a Corsair at war, youd think the cockpit more resembled a plumbers and electricians shop than anything else. It even forced the design of the landing geareverything was connected. It appears to have carried its Sea Gray over Light Aircraft Gray paint scheme for its entire life. I applied the decals directly over my paint work without sealing the paint/spraying a gloss layer. They are Tamiya kits, albeit from nearly 30 years ago. I can't help you with paint colours, I did mine with the recommended Tamiya mixes (Xf range) and then faded and shaded till it looked good to my eye. Again, Gunze C69 Offwhite was used. Then they switched to the overall Sea Blue Scheme. Hi, Jennings, I know, I was in a rush to give what I was hoping would be some useful information. Fuselage length: 318mm, wingspan: 390mm. What a clear and concise instruction set right down to the custom color mix. Corsair (F4U-1D) Interior Colors - Large Scale Planes I then laid down the first layer of mask, sprayed the white, and then went back to cover the areas that would remain white to spray the blue. User friendly as Craig put it. Id sent him some pics of my 72nd, 48th and 32nd scale Corsairs and he was pretty impressed. Tamiya calls for AS 20 (Insignia White) for the undersides but it doesn't look like a white paint.. more a very light grey. This time I didnt let the white paint go too far outside their intended resting spots on the wing, allowing the blue to cover the edges. One-way pattern and you can get in a rhythm, Sprayed a Testors Clear Coat layer over the entire aircraft and then used a combination of Flory light and dark washesdepending on the part of the aircraft would be effected by either or both. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As such, I decided to go with white primer and no pre-shading/marbling, only utilizing post shading to add some interest. Time to whip out the Mission Models White Primer and the Harder and Steenbeck fitted with a 0.4mm tip/needle. The masks I used were from Maketar. In Part 3, I'm making a sideways step to explain how I will tackle two very confusing paint schemes, using a paint mule and a large sheet of styrene to work . I also used the same spray technique above on the exhaust running down the fuselagebut with darker paint and less thinner. Detail Set Reviews - 1/48. The Chance Vought F4U-1D Corsair is a fighter-bomber developed from the earlier F4U-1 Corsair. By I was intentionally rough with this layer since most of it would be covered up. Involved in anti-submarine patrol from HMS Formidable enroute to Scapa after Operation Mascot against the German Battleship Tirpitz, in company with Barracuda of Wing Leader Lt Cdr RS Baker-Falkner. Paint guide courtesy of Tamiya's F4U-1 kit, KEY: AMMO = Ammo by Mig Jimenez (Acrylic); AV = Acrylicos Vallejo (Acrylic); GSI = Gunze Sangyo (Cxxx = Mr.Color Lacquer/Hxxx = Mr.Hobby/Aqueous Acrylic); HAT = Hataka (Axx = Acrylic/Cxx = Lacquer); LC = Lifecolor (Acrylic); MIS = Mission Models (Acrylic); MRP = Mr.Paint (xxx = Lacquer/Axxx = Acrylic); REV = Revell (32xxx = Enamel/36xxx = Acrylic); TAM = Tamiya (Xxx & XFxx = Acrylic/all others = Lacquer); TES = Testors (Enamel); XTRA = XtraColour (X = Enamel/XA = Acrylic). You can follow up this with the same technique but this time sprinkle the salt on shaded areas of the aircraft but use a darker paint. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. worth the wait. So I have ordered a GWS Corsair Slope Glider, it seems that this plane comes without landing gear and it comes unsprayed too. ago. I didnt want to resort to chemical means and risk affecting my just completed paint work. Next it was time to spray the overall scheme. This meant that paint fadedand chipped. Jesse Folmar flying a Corsair from VMA-312 was able to destroy one of two MiG-15s that had bounced both him and his wingman. In the years that followed, Boyington refused to acknowledge his former sweetheart. 24 hours to let them set up and cure. The show lasted three seasons and propelled Boyington back into the national spotlight, making him a popular attraction at air shows across the country. Thanks! If youve not used these yet, I highly recommend them. It would be like my own little Vought assembly line! However, having said that there is the old joke that history is, Argument without End. Landing gear: Light Gray or Aluminum Lacquer. As I build I like to take telephoto shots and really zoom in and use a bright flash to pickup details I otherwise miss. Good wiring in the engine is analogous to great detail in the cockpit. The final bit of masking involved the fuselage 126 codes. Thats 4x18 to start. But dammit, I'll crawl like a Marine. Because of the thickness of the canopy plastic, I knew I wouldn't have to go into hyper detail. The Painting flow I used to get this chipping done: Alcad aluminum->chipping fluid->Dark Green weathering preshade->mix of yellow and green (their cockpit color) as directed in the instructions. Thanks for the help so far, but i already have nearly all Tamiya paints i need for these builds (interior colors etc.). Peddinghaus 1/32 F4U-1A Corsair Markings Gregory Boyington Black Sheep I had previously built a Tamiya 1/48 scale Corsair to prepare myself for this modelthe three-part camouflage is complex in that at points on the aircraft you have all three colors coming together over complex curves and my limited experience with an airbrush (only four models before this) made me really slow down here. I wanted to represent the chippingbut not just to bare metal. If you do sojust follow the airflow. I have that kit and am happy to hear its the best you have seen so far. In addition to this, I did some areas in a lighter blue to give some overall interest and variation to break up the sea blue but to also simulate staining/fading where maintenance fluids would typically be. This subject is sort of controversial. Well Done, 6 stars & bars . Well, its been a fair bit of time since my last article, but that doesnt mean things havent been churning their way off my bench top! Does anyone else remember that? F4u Corsair Model Planes Paint Schemes Aircraft Modeling Scale Models Walt Fighter Quick Painting More information . Just Flight - F4U-1 Corsair 'Birdcage' You want to stay fairly true to the era and type of model youre building so you do research and you read a lot and surf the web a lot. Aircraft deployed in the Atlantic had only black numbers above their gray-white paint scheme and were therefore easily recognized as such. I don't recall seeing the F4U in an Atlantic I or II scheme, but it's possible. For example, many of those red borders were painted over before orders came down and others were never painted in the first place. Request: Generic, multiplayer-suitable paintschemes - F4U-1D - ED Forums "Lancer Two" F4U-4 Corsair Reno 1968-69 - DRAW Decal If you know how to place decals and use CA glue without gluing your fingers together you can use Quinta Studios decals. If you're interested, here's the formula: I lightened by Blue Gray with some white and then went to town, painting in my usual manner of tight, random "marbling" followed by more general blending coats. Just a few examples: I used multiple weathering techniquesand assorted panel liners and Florys washes and spray paint (thin layers over and over again) and salt and oil off fingers and you name it and I tried it. Custom-Built Vought F4U-1 Corsair Movie Devotion Airplane Model See the Montex mask above? If you can find a copy (ebay maybe?) Multiple light one-way passes of the airbrush set at 12-15 PSI. Much of this comes from aviation historian and author Dana Bell, who is a specialist in paint schemes, and has spent countless hours in the National Archives, conducting original research on the Corsair paint schemes. Demand for the aircraft soon overwhelmed Vought's manufacturing capability resulting in production by Goodyear and Brewster. The earlier F4U-2s featured a very high degree of blending of the Non Spec Sea Blue with the Intermediate Blue. Kit: Tamiya 1/32 F4U-1A Corsair (60325) Paints: Tamiya, Vallejo, AK Main Colors: Intermediate Navy Blue (XF18:5 + XF2:4), Insignia White (XF2:10 + XF55:1), and Navy Blue (XF17:5=XF8:3+XF2:2) PE: Ultracast figure, Brassin cowling parts, Barracuda Wheels and cockpit decals (the best), Montex stencils (all insignia's painted), airscale decals.Weathering: Salt technique, Winston & Newton, Vallejo pigments (primarily 73.102 Light Yellow Ochre all over the upper surfaces and dusted off), just about half of Phil Florys washes (honestly).Tools: Evolution (H&S), Eclipse (Iwata), Tamiya side cutters, ifixit tweezers, Gyros files, JLC saw, etc. Looking at past posts of Corsair builds, it looks like many modellers do paint the main gear wells light grey or even white. Academy Minicraft Vought Corsair F4U-4 Kit 1656 NO BOX 1/48 Black basing allows you to put variations in tone and hue across the entire plane in, more or less, a randomized way. CAF Airbase Georgia Corsair Receives Fresh Paint Many portrayed it as his personal plane, though he never flew it in combat, let alone with such markings. As usual with Mr. Mathis, the insignia and buzz numbers were shot using masks made with Cricut Design software; very cool. Some served at Quantico. Haha! Next, I placed the stars inside the roundels, and painted them with Gunze Insignia Blue. I think I used five or six of them. Corsair Markings. Scroll down for more pics of #18 and #831. The Tamiya Corsair is a fine model. "Vought F4U Corsair", Aero Detail 25 by Scott T. Hards "F4U in Detail & Scale, Part 2, Late Model Corsairs", #8256 by Bert Kinzey "F4U in Action . Ive forgone it for the last several builds and have had great success. I drilled four holes in every cylinder; Two for the two spark plug wires, and two for whatever that cross-tube is (I should knowprobably did knowbut didnt care to remember what its called). It was written off following a ground accident with another Corsair at NAS Barbers Point, TH. I followed the Brett Green book on building this Corsair (great book). Also, Testor's Model Master has all the colors you might need. Bob Brunson demonstrated a skill for instrument flying while in advanced training, and was eventually assigned to VF(N)-75, under the command of Gus Wilhelm. In a lot of these shots youll see scuff marks on the wings/fuselagelike the Montex Mask overhead shot of the insignia. The F4U-1D Corsairs used by the USN, USMC, and RNZAF were only painted in two basic patterns. The other weathering technique is purely accidental. Which colors do i need in mentioned MRPaint or MMP range for the three tone schemes these 2 mashines had and if i can use Gunze H326 and their offwhite for spraying the markings? Not show here were three attempts to get the wavy camouflage line down the fuselagewhich required multiple wipes/re-paints. James N. Cupp) September 1943 - Munda, Solomon Islands FS35042 FS35164 FS37875; VMF-215 Spirit of 76 (Maj. Robert G. Owens) August 1943 - Munda, Solomon Islands FS35042 FS35164 FS37875. I'm planing to build the F4U-1 as VF-17 and Tamiya says i have to use AS-8, AS-19 and AS-20 . . It gives the paint a worn look thats really hard to replicate without extensive post shading. I spent time in the instructions to figure out what to glue first and paint secondand what to paint first and glue second. F4U Corsair, 93" Scale RC Airplane, Composite Construction I tried a few different things between streaking some maintenance fluids/oil, gun staining, etc. The arguments for this are many, mainly shading at scale from what I gather. RE: Proper colors for Corsair 3 tone paint scheme Jethro, I believe the colors you seek are: FS 35042 NON- SPECULAR SEA BLUE (TOP) FS 35164 INTERMEDIATE BLUE (MIDDLE) FS 37875 INSIGNIA WHITE (BOTTOM) -Nelsons Hobbies carries these colors in a water based polyurethane -Warbird colors (I think thats the name) Scroll down for a similar sequence of photographs for #831), (Editors Note: The following sequence of photographs show the stages of painting #831), 1) Pacific Profiles Volume 4: Allied Fighters: Vought F4U Corsair Series: Solomons Theatre 1943-1944 by Michael Claringbould (ISBN13:9780648926238), Scroll down for more pics of #18 and #831, on The Revell Land Rover Series lll 109 Long Wheelbase Station Wagon. F4U-4 CORSAIR (PRE-PAINTED) 1/350 - For the most part, the pattern was the same on both aircraft (18 and 831) when it came to the engine cowling and outer half of the underside of the wing. Top customer satisfaction 4,2/5. FOR SALE! A joy to build at start, a real engineering triumph and technically a brilliant kitbut a bit of a slog towards the finishI could not match the wing and fuselage paint to save my life. He was released shortly after the surrender of Japan, and a few days before the official surrender documents were signed. On this build I decided up front to abandon this process and try something new. AFV Club 1/144th F4U-1/1A/1C/1D Corsair - Model Paint Sol So I wiped it all off and started again, This time I did better and almost repainted the entire upper fuselage, used lighter paint for the fabric surfaces, used a stipple brush of Mr Finisher to makes the non-slip walkway and then made the no walk lines a little thick and started in on my very first stencil (Montex). There are Radar Altimeter Antennae fitted to the fuselage keel as well as a transponder antenna (not visible). The F4U Corsair is one the most iconic fighters of WWII. For the steps that follow, the majority of painting was done with Hataka Orange Line paints thinned with their proprietary thinner at about a 50/50 ratio. Ask me how I know that. I had success w/chipping on earlier models and on the interior so with knowledge I was great at this I pushed forward and. Use Model Master Teal or Boyd Chezoom Teal for the paint match. Techmod decals Decals Vought F4U-1 Corsair with 1001hobbies (#72161) The three color scheme was dark sea blue and intermediate blue over white. AU-1's were painted gull grey over white. In September 1943, he took command of Marine fighter squadron VMF-214 (Black Sheep). So build it as you see fit. Boyington had appointed Lucy as the executor of an allotment for his children from a previous marriage, and by 1945 the deposits added up to some $15,000. Dave also shared this from Dana Bell and Jim Sullivan. I know of course of the tri scheme with dark blue, medium blue and isiginia white. Nevertheless, as told by Warren Thompson in his book F4U Corsair Units of the Korean War, on Sep. 10, 1952 Capt. F4U Corsair paint schemes! This is the official Navy BuAer painting spec on the graded 4-tone scheme for the Corsair. List of surviving Vought F4U Corsairs - Wikipedia US Forestry Service pilot Eugene Akers flew this virtually stock F4U-4 Corsair, and was a stunning site to see. U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) fighter ace Gregory Pappy Boyington (Dec. 4, 1912 Jan. 11, 1988) was initially a USMC aviator with the Pacific fleet before being recruited by the legendary Flying Tigers (1st American Volunteer Group) in the Republic of China Air Force in Burma at the end of 1941 and part of 1942, during the military conflict between China and Japan, and the beginning of World War II. To participate you must either login or register for an account. The appearance of U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Defense, or NASA imagery or art does not constitute an endorsement nor is Cybermodeler Online affiliated with these organizations. Pappy Boyington's F4U Corsair "Lulubelle" and the Nose Art that Never Put on the mask and redid the stencil for the wingand then did the fuselage and the numbers. I forgot the Light Gray for the -1 undersides. Michael de Boer - Aviation Photocrew. Corsair F4U-4 paint????? - FineScale Create a free website or blog at Then went over that with a custom mix of Tamiya paints to represent the USN Blue Gray that the early Corsairs wore. The second way seems to be fine because you have to apply the gloss for decals and final touch anyways. Visit Factory Direct Models and view the details of 5,000 different model pictures in our aircraft picture gallery. Now you can buy specialty products that do the same thing (at a much higher cost per oz/gram of course) BTWthe H&S Evolution I'm working with is excellent but at some point yesterday I tipped the bowl over far enough and a lot of paint ran down the front of the brush into the nozzle area. I still had a problem to fixmy top wing halofied stencil. It's been a joy to work w/this oneeven the small bits are perfectly set and I have not had to remove much flash at all. Flying Colours - A Short but Vivid History of Warplane Insignia Chance Vought F4U-1A Corsair "White 86" - Model Aces 3) The radio antenna installation was much simplified over antenna installations were used to seeing on Corsairs. The few photos I have seen of VF(N)-101 aircraft display this very high degree of blending between colours. The Corsair it crashed into was in the Sea Gray over Light Aircraft Gray scheme. Top to bottom. My father was chief electrical inspector for Vought. Its vinyl and as long as you smooth out the edges to get rid of trapped air they work great. 15044 should be correct right (Gunze H326)? Maybe just dark blue over white or over grey? Dear customers, if you do not have a registration at the new e-shop, you need to register again. But these early Corsairs went into battle with the earlier six-point arrangement. Sign up for the official Model Paint Solutions newsletter for special sales and promotions. Earlier in the process I had laid on so thick a paint job, I had covered up rivets, panel lines, and it looked like (in places) like a layer cake. 1) The USN/USMC started using the tri-color scheme in February of 1943, so the first F4U-1Ds would have been delivered in this scheme. The Chance Vought F4U Corsair is widely considered the most capable of all carrier-based fighter aircraft of World War Two. Very late F4U-2s, such as Everett Vaughns Shirley June (which may have been the second -2 to have that name) featured the very clearly delineated separation between the Non Spec Sea Blue, Intermediate Blue, and White on the fuselage that we all have in our minds eye when we think of a three-tone Corsair. F4U-1D (FG-1D?) Corsair Colors - Props - ARC Discussion Forums my wife got me 2 Tamiya Corsairs (F4U-1 and F4U-1A) for Christmas and now i tried to find the right colors i need to build em but i've never researched/modeled any US planes and have absolutely no clue about the colors i need. This was then subjecting to the same chipping procedure, but far more carefully. Scale Model Paint Matching - Details In Comments : r/modelmakers - Reddit 32-Corsair-01 1:32 Scale, 44-Corsair-01 1:144 Scale, 48-Corsair-01 1:48 Scale, 72-Corsair-01 1:72 Scale. Non-specular Sea Blue - XF17:5 + XF8:3 + XF2:2 For the gloss paint you can either add the Tamiya Clear Gloss to the mix or just spray the gloss one over the Matt Sea Blue. :-). Vought F4U Corsair Series: Solomons Theatre 1943-1944 by Michael Claringbould (ISBN 13: 9780648926238) Available from Amazon. It makes other good kits look decent at best. Got this model from my daughter as a fathers day present. 4) If you look closely, you will see that the armored glass has been removed. Corsair Markings and Nose Art of VMF-512. U.S. warplanes would retain this marking until 1947. I need to look at the photos again, but Im not sure if it was re-painted in the three tone scheme or not. December 26, 2017 in General Discussion. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The incredible detail in this research goes to show that. Hot take: I dont feel this is a necessary step. I plan on using the scheme from BarracudaCals' "F4U-1 Corsair Part 1" for the FG-1D from the USS Cape Gloucster. This was the Corsair Bob crashed in, coming aboard ENTERPRISE at night. This was somewhat of a mixed blessing, since it improved visibility at night, but made stern attacks much more dicey in light of tail gunners aboard Japanese G4M Betty bombers. Lastly I finished up the Light Gray undersides, repainted the tail, and sprayed the leading edges of the wings with unlightened Blue Gray, representing a touch-up job. In 1976, NBC launched a weekly action-adventure series called Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, loosely based on Greg Boyington's autobiography of the same name. Dark-washed the underside and landing bays and doors. Next, I sprayed a layer of AK Interactive Worn Effects chipping fluid. (LogOut/ This Corsair photo exactly matches the paint scheme of our plane as it was displayed at one of David Tallichet's restaurants. I had to tweak the colors and it took me several evenings of paint-redo-paint-redo to get it the way I liked it. It would be like my own little Vought assembly line! . So I took another crack at itbut this time on a lower wing and the bottom picture is that result. I guess i'll try MMP-062, MMP-071 and MRP Insignia White then. In January 1944, Boyington, outnumbered by Japanese Zero planes, was shot down into the Pacific Ocean after downing one of the enemy planes. US Marines F4U-1c Skin - Paint Schemes and Camouflage - War Thunder Though my painting technique was introducing a lot of interesting depth to the Blue Gray, I wanted to go further with lighter coats on the fabric surfaces and some darker Blue Gray on one of the ailerons, perhaps to represent a replacement.

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