pirate kake pipe tobacco

Original post: I bought two ounces of this "because it was there", on the shelf at El Fumador and I had not tried it. It does better with a little drying time than fresh out the can. It was rare for me to pick out anything but the lat. Pirate Kake comes pressed, probably to get the Turkish and burley to combine with the Latakia's smokey flavor. Its like setting a pine forest on fire inside your mouth. A very straight and narrow taste profile with hardly any change. My tin was dated from 2015. De vitamina N va justita, no me resulta para nada agresiva en ese aspecto. If they are certain that they enjoy latakia in larger quantities, then this would be a fantastic blend for a new pipe smoker. I agree with the previous reviews that it is rather linear and lacks balance, but if you're looking at Pirate Kake like I was, it's because you wanted that lack of balance; I wanted as much Latakia as possible. I left the lid off for 2 hours and smokes fine now. As far as the room note goes im not sure just yet. The Cavendish tries now and again, but about all it can seem to muster is to have a slight sweetening effect on the Latakia. Room note? Perhaps the antidote to sweet and cloying tobaccos. That is why this blend should not be compared with Dunhill EMP, or similar blends. The primary notable tin note and flavors are or course, Latakia! Pirate Kake may best be utilized as a blending tobacco. This is a very hard tobacco to review, so I'll just note my first impressions. Not an all day smoke, but a must try for the latakia/english lovers. First mistake: too much Latakia. This was the first real pipe tobacco I ever purchased. Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. Absolutely no indication of bite even when puffing vigorously. Still it burned extremely well, and it was smooth smoke. It is rich. The nuttiness of the burleys barely come through. 2023 TobaccoPipes.com At other times, you may also detect an almost perfumy fragrance, possibly a synaesthetic hallucination. For instance, theres plenty, and I mean plenty of dark lush tasting latakia leaf here. This is a lovely lat-bomb. Any pipe tobacco shipped to a New York State address will be subject to the applicable state imposed excise tax (75% over the wholesale . The aftertaste is yummy smokey incensy latakia. I can see why some like this alot, and some who would never smoke it more than an initial bowl. Ive finally settled on this is one great blend! Taste wood, mildly sweet, some floral and smokey earthy flavors. I think if I had bought this in any quantity it would be a great blender with a dryer, easier burning, simple burley. 10-13-2022. I truly enjoy reminiscing on the flavor and the smokey smell in my moustache well after my bowl has been finished. I much prefer this blend over "Old Ironsides" or "Black Frigate" even though those are also worthy of sea rats and scalowags. But on the whole, about as delicate as a horse pistol in the ribs and a genteel invitation to walk the plank. The Latakia is good and the other tobaccos play well with it. While a love the flavor of Latakia, and have been seeking a good, rich near-pure Latakia flavor, I found this to be bitey and unpleasant, and it tasted like it had some overly moist Virginia in it, even though it apparently doesn't have any. I can taste it from time to time, not in a nutty burley taste but more of a vegetative way. Very consistent smoke. The burley is noticeable and really brings it all together. Im a latakia lover. Leaves Penzance (also 5 stars) a mile behind. I bought a 1/2 lb of this product mail-order w/o first tasting it, based on its description and its reputation in latakia-addict circles. Thus the medium rating. If I could describe this blend in one word it would be creamy. PK made the top 5 list. Excellently smokey and rich latakia blend. A Latakia lover's treasure. Choose Options. The taste is a rich, creamy, smooth almost minty flavor with latakia dominating the senses. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. It's Latakia in overwhelming amounts. Certo per fumatori che come me adorano il Latakia lappagamento pieno, la qualit della materia prima indubbia, ma manca sulla variazione tipica di altre EM della ditta (ad esempio Star of the East), piatto e mono-tono, non assume carattere e larmonia. The included Turkish is also very high quality and the perfect compliment. This is a tobacco blend that doesn't beat around the bush! Enjoy + Require buying + An all-day smoke Four Stars Rating, Purchased From: 8 oz tins from pipesandcigars. Pipe Used: A bunch because it's a go to blend for me. For Example: Enter 16 in quantity box for 1 pound. A velvety, and almost full bodied, smoke with a strong taste of Latakia-woodiness, thats perfectly balanced by the creamy sweet, buttery burley and cavendish. Recommend for all Enthusiasts and most all newcomers looking to expand their horizons. The Kake easily breaks apart, easily rubs out. After just shy of 4 years in the cellar the blend becomes very sweet, round, and displays a number of notes not originally apparent. I really don't think I will buy again as this is very one dimensional. I once bought a Dolly Parton record on the same basis, so my shallowness is not new. Four stars and full sail ye swabs. Think a peaty scotch and some nuttiness for the most part. If you like Latakia, it just doesn't get any better than this. Lataika bomb. Age When Smoked: not sure. I don't know it sort of reminds me of Bengal Slices (sort of). I dont resist. Enjoy! My Favorite Latakia forward blend, not for the smoker who only likes a touch of latakia, it has enough Burley and Virginias to keep it interesting, but the Latakia will take over. If you have tried and liked 10 to Midnight, you will love Pirate Kake. Stouter than most of those "late evening" blends and a great way to end the day. I hope I never take this masterful Blend for granted. The flavor is largely latakia, but not one dimensional, as Old Ironsides is, for me. A pipe is to be savored. The Virginia's and and Burley provide a good base and can be tasted behind the Latakia, and it is a great flavor. Cornel & Diehl Pirate Kake Tin Pipe Tobacco. 56g tin. Shopping Strength: Room Note: Taste: WOW August 10, 2017 By: Nick b. Popped and greeted with the unmistakable aroma of a lot of Latakia. It's surprisingly sweet and well balanced for such a wallop of latakia. Opening the packet, it smells like a BBQ smokehouse. But I give it credit for it?s unique presentation and the courage to produce it at all. Pirate Kake is like a car accident that you can't take your taste buds away from. I smoke this whenever I desire to be entertained within a fast moving panorama of almost familiar sensations that build not to a climax and quiet farewell, but just keep rolling on as a caravan that one has disembarked. It is more fun to let others get a taste of something that old. Not an all day smoke but one that we'll take you to Latakia heaven. You will love it Has become my go to pipe tobacco. Smooth, super tasty. LATAKIA!!! TONS of smoky spicy and an after taste that makes you think you just the bark off a whole smoked pork shoulder. Opening the fresh tin (080318 I love that C&D tins are so easy to date) the Latakia hits your sinuses straight away. Palette: Smells of rich peat, ash, campfire and a little spice. Despite being 75% latakia I was easily able to pick out the oriental tobacco. They have the Latakia and Burley playing so well together in this blend. Yo-ho Latakia La Bamba! Like a good childhood memory. Powerful, smooth and very rich. It's very mild and I wasn't pleased with it after my first try but I have to say: you must take it slowly because it's really something!Anyway, you can use it also for blending il you need a richer smoke.I like it and I will love it, I'm sure. Put your big boy pants on for this one. I think all of this is very much due to the masterful blending of this Tobacco, the Burley and Turkish really there to let the Latakia shine. Latakia value on the planet. It doesnt burn great, needs some relights but thats ok, were not in a slow smoking championship after all. Of all the C&D blends I have sampled, this one indubitably stands head-and-shoulders (in the crows nest, matey) above all the rest. You'll have to brush the taste out of your mouth. Tobacco being one of them. #1. I'm really starting to like C&D crumble cakes. I couldn't smoke this all day or even two days in a row but on a cold winter day this really hits the spot. Peterson Savinelli Rossi. Spicey,hints of sweetness,SMOKEY,complex.Darn good!!! I'm then not particularly surprised that this cake burns nice and cool. While the cavendish cut burley does not contribute to the taste in any way, it gives this blend a smooth, cool and even burn. Without risk of being accused of hyperbole, I can categorically say that, if I were forced to only smoke Pirate Kake for the rest of my life, I'd be absolutely fine with that. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. Although next to Aromatics I find english to be what id burn but next to my top aromatics I would burn this very fine pirate cake. Not an everyday smoke, but a great cold weather pleasure, to mix up the rotation. I spent hours getting my smoked salmon perfect. GArrr!! I got a one ounce sample, and loved the look of it: brownie-like cake (ok, a brownie left out in the sun!) Smells pretty full on on the tin and while smoking. Unfortunately to entire flavor profile deminished. Highly recommended to quite and cold winter nights. The smell in the package is very bold and the taste is so bad. I am not quite sure how to fully describe this tobacco. Only Latakia taste. Strong Latakia presence with Orientals for a rich, silky, cool smoke. Takes a while to get it going. I believe this is the same blend as BF sans the rum. Pirate Cake is simply an infusion of Latakia. It is pretty straightforward with its flavors , but in an enjoyable way, and as I said before it is a very cool and smooth smoke. perfectly! With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. Preparing this one for smoking is a chore. This will be one of my regular smokes. block, PK is a true bargain. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake - Having my only taste of Latakia being Plum Pudding and having read so much about what a latakia bomb like Pirate Kake would be like I went in a little intimitaded. Historic volume and value sizes, company and brand market shares. A little would go a long way. I think it should be renamed Pirate's Death Wish. Maybe once a week. The best way I can put this blend, is that if it were a movie, it would be about latakia, there would be a preview before the movie starring oriental, and the burley and virginias would be listed in the credits as gaffers or extras. Mild nicotine. But, its also just fun. This is a pretty powerful blend that has plenty of flavor as well as Vitamin N. The tin note reminds me of leather and farmland. Some say its unidimensional. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. Pirate kake is smooth, and it has a strong smell, but oddly enough my wife, who always complains about my smoke if it's not a sweet aromatic, came out once and sat next to me and said, "Whoa I don't know why I'm saying this but I like the smell of that." 56g tin. Very few relights, and is just heavenly. Pipe Tobacco Cornell & Diehl Berry Good No. I really do not smoke this straight, but I do enjoy adding this to many of the blends I enjoy that need an extra kick of Latakia. C&D Pirate Kake was among them. Absolute yummy. this is a once-in-a-while-I-have-been-drinking-Jack Daniels-kinda of smoke.So when you feeling ten feet tall and bullet proof or you are at odds with the mrs. or uyou are at the nearest biker bar, pack a good size bowl and light up the cannons. For all that oily leaf this blend smokes remarkably well. First its a great tasting Lat-Tobacco. Have a great trip to Davy Jones locker! Older and wiser (temperature baby!) (I dont pickup room note myself when I smoke but my wife said it smelled like hind end FWIW). If I had a preference I would add a stoved Virginia to this blend to round it out and add richness to it. Not quite balanced, but nearly so. For it IS a fun and unique tobacco. and ?This is the blend for the Latakia lover.? Who would you recommend it? This one is good for what it is, which is a lat bomb. Smokes cool, lights easy, the latakia/cavendish/turkish blend is astonishing, I taste every component, but since it was pressed they are in such a harmonious balance. Room note? Cornell and Diehl's Pirate Kake is the last of the bulk samples from my recent half tinned and half bulk thin down purchase and I saved it for last. I give this a 3.8 out of 4 stars and it gets rounded up to 4 stars for when I turned on my ceiling fan and as I watched the smoke roll out the windows I couldn't help but laugh .Har, Har, Har. if I had close neighbors what would they think? Found another chewy block of this magnificent cake at the great Jack's Tobacco Shop in Milwaukee. I'm not a Latakia fiend, but I wanted to keep something like this on hand for cold, snowy days. Well, it really depends on where you are. It is a pretty intense smoke in my opinion. Who the hell could detect any casing or topping in this? Nice and flavorful smoke! And this is the blend. The kake breaks apart really easily. It's definitely loaded with latakia but it just doesn't overwhelm the blend. This is a top shelf blend worthy of a try by any latakia lover. I realized I needed to take this sample and let it sit overnight with a damp towel over a bowl. Burns consistently once lit. The latakia that Craig uses does have it's own unique taste and room note for whatever reason. I've gone through two ounces and while halfway through I ordered two more eight ounce tins. Is it a Lat-heavy blend that explodes your palate in such a way as to make any and all future Latakia blends unpalatable? The expression Lat-Bomb has always been tossed about in such a disparaging way, I always assumed the term to be a pejorative one. There's enough sweetness and nuttiness to mellow out the high dose of Lady L. Pirate Kake offers leathery notes, smoky and woodsy tones and a grain of sea-salt, as well as some nuttiness and toasty, honey-ish sweetness. I don't get much sweetness, but it's not astringent either. The block came from smoking pipes vacuum packed and looking more illicit than anything I've ever gotten in the mail. I am really starting to sound old (58). I think all Cornell & Diehl blends are aggressive in your taste, but this the proof that i was wrong. I'm also starting to appreciate exactly how smooth Pirate Kake is relative to how much Latakia it contains. My only gripe is that I have not had much luck in storing it. If you smoke it on a low heat like incense, you can enjoy the very delicious aroma of Latakia. ( And I think I got the better of the deal ) So if you are a lover of Latakia this should satisfy your cravings. Finally getting to share my review on Cornell and Deihl's Pirate Kake!!! We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. Smokes cool, slow, and extremely flavorful from char to dottle. But I detect none. Not drowning out the others but definitely the Captain of this outfit. Well blended, the plug/kake smells delicious and rubs out well. I never really caught the Burley, but that is no big surprise, considering the general nature of Burley. This blend is GREAT! McClelland's Syrian Full Balkan with it's Syrian Latakia presents a different experience with it's heavy Latakia yielding a very cool smoke - so cool one could think the blend is topped with menthol. But, frankly, I just don't enjoy it. I got a free sample of this with my last order and can't say enough good about it. Updated 10/13/12- I ordered another Bulk batch of this blend, rubbed it all out, let it rest for about a month and I have to say, "this is outstanding". I find this to be quite comparable to Penzance. no joke. I am very glad I did. The turkish offers nice counterpoint, but no standard campfire, woody, earthy et al aromas to be had on this trip. Now the pros: all of them. seriously, if you even think you like Latakia, try this. Description. The smokiness is front and centre throughout. A single step goes in all directions. I love the full-on tastiness of this tobacco Im going to bury (cellar) a ton of this treasure. YA GOTTA TRY THIS. My wife thought I was burning tires. Tin note is great with lots of wood smoke, some pine, oriental tobacco, and slight creosote. If dirty harry smoked a pipe pirate kake is what he would smoke no room for wimps here. It is too much, after a few minutes of it my senses numbed. I took it up after having given up the pipe for a decade or so, took it up again, and wanted to recapture the intensity of the Balkan blend I used to smoke in my university days. The Krumble Kake's dark, and very easy to fluff and crumble, in fact, a large proportion has already crumbled in the pouch (I bought bulk). It is somewhat similar to Ten Russians, but there definitely is a difference between the two blends and Pirate Kake is much, much better. All the reviews are very complete, so I will just add my few points. I now know why pirates don't have wives. Pirate Kake is a good tobacco to close a late evening, to compliment a strong cup of coffe, or when you just need a strong latakia fix. Easy to rate, easy peasy: highly recommended. Followed by a couple hours later and you can still taste it in your mouth just as strong as if you just took a bite, and you want that flavor out of your mouth by any means necessary.. but the horror sets in when you discover that no amount of alcohol, oral hygiene products, or other means can help you. You're going to want to take it slow at first with this blend. Once the pipe is lit, the flavor is very rich and its sweetness catches my attention, since despite having a smaller amount of virginia, it is sweeter than other English of its kind and this is something that I like in virginia/ latakia. Thank you c&D please if you have never tried it. Ex cigar smokers might enjoy this more than not. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. My sample is from 1995 or 1996 and was stored until 2001 without adequate moisture control. 56g tin. The tobacco is not super pressed, its easy to rub and easy to fill your pipe (unlike Seattle Pipe Clubs Plum Pudding). Some mentions aging cake differs taste, tbh, I didn't try. Next time I mixed in a little more and then a little more and a little more and then I ran out. To order by pound, use multiples of 16. Hey its not your fault latakia, burley will help you in this kake. It is a little less dense than others I've had and also not at all wet, for me it is presented with perfect moisture content, but some may find it a touch dry. Indeed most of the tobacco is black, just a little bit of gold leaves. the sweetness of the cavendish cut burley seems a perfect low key accompaniment to all those dark smoky flavours I want from the lat and orientals. Medium to strong nic hit with absolutely zero bite. This is an ideal evening, or after dinner smoke. Cornell & Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Pipe Tobacco - Smokingpipes.com Go figure. It was good at first, then it started to wear on me. Very ascertive, and smoky. Break off a piece of this "dark chocolate" brownie, break it up, and stuff away. This burned cool, slow and very consistently and needed very little re-lighting. The cakes are easy to break apart and rub out nicely. Very delicious. If you are not a fan of a lot of Latakia, take a pass. To each their own, but Ten Russians is my lat bomb. This tin taught me all too well what latakia is. new from tin at b&m. Pirate Kake is good for what it is but the other tobaccos add nothing.Good blend but will not be buying any more its just a bit too far out there. When rotated with other blends (I smoked Virginias around this) it was really good, but trying to go bowl after bowl until the tin was empty was just too much for me. As an interval, you get some sweetness and more often some sourness, all this in a good way. I would truly smoke this over a lot of other sought after blends. This was fine until I hit midbowl and quite honestly grew tired of it. I still don't see this as an all day smoke , but I will buy again. Further down the bowl I detected a pine taste which was not bad. Fear not the 75% lati for it is your friend. It's the taste of darkness. Cornell & Diehl - Pipes and Cigars Maybe it isn't well balanced, but for an after-dinner smoke, when you have feasted on smoked meats, it is delightful. Its packed with a perfect punch, with just enough bite. Deep dark, heavy, full bodied, musky, smoky and earthy are just a few of the terms that describe this C&D blend. I suppose there are those who just can't get enough latakia who will like it, just as there are those who put an entire bottle of ketchup on their food. Then out of nowhere a natural sweetness sneaks up on you. PK arrived as a brick or block. Puff too fast and you'll think the plank is a runwayGreat Stuff. Consistent flavor, good body, and lots of smokeyou can almost chew te stuff! Cornell and Diehl should be forced to perform some kind of community service to repent for making this. This, of course, changes the flavour and smoking experience. No less than 70% of the dark smokey leaf goes into this blend, an amazing amount. Cake breaks up very eas ily. I'm an experimenter, though, so I try all styles. Very smokey and rich, but smooooth. I really tried to like the taste, but not being a regular consumer of Latakia, I found that exotic leaf to be simply "over the top" in this instance. Like SteelCowboy says, if you're not a fan of lots of Latakia, take a pass!. After the first 1/3 it actually becomes boring. This blend lacks balance and should not be smoked by a newbie wishing to try their first English tobacco. Pease Gaslight Tobacco $12.11 Cornell and Diehl Haunted Bookshop Tobacco $36.98 Cornell and Diehl Old Joe Krantz Tobacco . My usually very lenient significant other told me not only to kindly leave the house, but leave the county before I smoke this blend again. I also have it blended 50/50 with My Mixture 965. Temple incense with a side of grilled beef. Burning pyres to the ancient Sumerian gods in Babylon. And, I mean nothing. I don't even jar this stuff, just keep it in the container. Full taste. This is serious stuff for serious smokers. Performance: A very cool burning blend. Something consistant with New Castle or darker. No I did not say it was identical or state that it was the equal. I'm not talking of an even split, nowhere near, but they do lighten the flavoura smidgen! Recommended. Salty leather about sums it up. All in all what a great smoke Age When Smoked: Fresh to 6 months depending on updates considered. It stank. Strong pungency/vinegar(?) The quality of the leaf is good, as are all C&D blends that I have had. The tin description says, it contains 75% (!) of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. I immediately thought of a bouquet of dried herbs. The burly and Orientals are there to round it out a bit but the star is the smoky lat. While you are sitting there enjoying the bowl you can watch the smoke accumulate in the room and settle to the floor. At one point in my life I would have run from a blend as robust as this. I find the first 1/3 of the bowl a bit harsh and smokey, but then it settles down into a rich creamy smoke that is on par with Penzance in my book. This blend is a real treat. Smoking a latakia blend we all know has that cherished, non mistakable fragrace in the air. Smooth, full flavoured, smoky, with mild tangy spicyness. Customers Who Smoked Pirate Kake 2oz Also Smoked: I have quite a massive cellar of blends ranging from every form and cut, aromatics,English, non-aros, you name it, and this delicious cake has finally hit the WOW factor in every aspect, even days later when I get a whiff of the lingering aroma!!! Purchased From: Dubini, Chiasso (Switzerland). I usually cut it like I would a plug. A Latakia lover's treasure. This blend seems to be great quality and the latakia seems to be better and smoother than i've had in the past. I think it's loaded with all sorts of nuances. Smoke it really slow and steady to truely enjoy the experience. This is a sit down and do nothing else but smoke tobacco. This stuff is fantastic with a very rich latakia taste and a elegant plume of white fragrant smoke. At certain point, I just want a bludgeoning of Latakia. We got ourselves reacquainted. Overall a nice smoke. Leaves more than average moisture and requires a few relights and smokes at a less than medium burn rate. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. Still, it's a pretty impressive cake and it pairs best with a cup of two day old black coffee (which I'm also fond of), or a guinness. Similar Blends: Reminded me of Bill Baileys. After the initial char, it takes to a match easily and produces good volumes of velvety textured smoke. But even then? It seemed to have dried out some, so I have tried rehydrating it. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco Share Tweet Product Stock MSRP Price Qty Cart Pirate Kake 2oz Tin $11.25 $10.99 Save 2% + - Description Details A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) There is power in this kake. I only wish this was available in flake form as opposed to the two plugs I received as part of my sampler pack. I have done so (with some regularity, in fact) but this tames it just enough to keep it from being a full-on blowout. No Flavoring detected. Leaving a creamy and peppery aftertaste that lingers, this is a modest Latakia bomb, and maybe my favourite Latakia blend yet! With glorious color changes, leaves falling, and watching one of my German Shorthairs lock up on point on a grouse or a plump woodcock trying to remain undetected. Power level is about two ticks below medium so those Enthusiast who like a bit more power will need to enjoy this as a snack. An after dinner smoke for me. After all that time in a cloud of hickory smoke I wanted something that I could actually taste. Recommended for English and Oriental fans only. This is ready to go right off the brick. It's all Latakia. This is the ultimate Lat-Bomb. As stated above, I'm an aromatic guy, I'm not a big fan of anything else. I find this gets me closest to memories of my beloved Coyote Classic , . Age When Smoked . Country Squire Radio - PODash This was my staple tobacco for a number of years. Ok folks, this is what it is. The strength like the body falls short of medium. Room note offends everyone and leaves that creosote like aftertaste that I enjoy.

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