Not Buying A House Is The Single Biggest Mistake For Millennial

“Not buying a house is the single biggest millennial mistake.” It just says many are not prioritizing their decision on home ownership earlier. Young adults in particular aren’t hopping on this escalator. If millennials don’t buy a home, the chances of actually having any wealth in this country are little to none. The average homeowner to this… Continue reading Not Buying A House Is The Single Biggest Mistake For Millennial

Categorized as Financing

Mortgage Loan Comparison For 3-Year Fixed Rate Packages

BANKS in Singapore have started a mortgage war, spurred by the lower interest rate for a longer duration, to the delight of the legions of home buyers who are pouring back to a buoyant residential market. DBS no longer sole provider in three-year fixed-rate space; BOC’s package has varying yearly rates; OCBC conspicuous by its… Continue reading Mortgage Loan Comparison For 3-Year Fixed Rate Packages

Woodlands Singapore Developed As Third Regional Centre

As Woodlands Singapore are been developed into the Third Regional Center, why are we so passionate about Singapore Market? It has a direct impact on us, don’t you think? It will be a direct connection to how we grow our wealth here too with the right knowledge and consult from professional. What have you gotten… Continue reading Woodlands Singapore Developed As Third Regional Centre

Foreign Property Developers in Singapore Impact The High Land Prices

How do you see when foreign property developers in Singapore start bidding high land prices here? Singapore’s property market seems to be heating up, judging by a range of indicators, including a sharp rise in bids for development sites by foreign developers. Will Singapore Prices go South? This article summarizes how and why. You know… Continue reading Foreign Property Developers in Singapore Impact The High Land Prices
