Singapore in the Next 50 Years: The 7 Key Residential Towns

How is Singapore going to transform in the next 50 years? If you are unsure, let’s take a fly past into the future to have a glimpse into where are the 7 key residential towns going to be and why you as a homeowner must be aware of this. I am always very amazed at… Continue reading Singapore in the Next 50 Years: The 7 Key Residential Towns


80% of Singaporeans go into the sales process without realizing what they are purchasing and how the next property is going to affect their family and their lifestyle. You may be thinking, “Is now the right time for me to sell my HDB property since there’s a rise in the resale market trend, and there’s… Continue reading HOW TO KNOW IF IT’S THE RIGHT TIME TO SELL YOUR HDB?

Why do the fundamentals of Singapore real estate never change despite the market conditions?

Singapore’s property market has steadily been hot despite the Covid pandemic. The demand for property has been high due to various factors like low interest rates and the rumors of a cooling measure to be imposed by the government. Despite the news and market conditions changing every time, there are factors that make the fundamentals… Continue reading Why do the fundamentals of Singapore real estate never change despite the market conditions?

Why being in Debt is good for your Property

Savers are losers and debtors are winners. – Robert Kiyosaki Are you in debt right now and are struggling to pay the minimum every month? Maybe you spend your time worrying, and regretting the things you bought that put you in debt? Or maybe, you have no choice but to be in debt because you don’t… Continue reading Why being in Debt is good for your Property


Thinking about owning a condo? Whether you are already residing in an HDB or currently looking for your first home to live independently or you’re starting your own family, living in a HDB is not a question of why. It is the most affordable way to have a home of your own in Singapore. So… Continue reading BUYING CONDO AS A HDB OWNER EXPLAINED
